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2003-09-26 00:06:50

Daily Note

☆Sept.15-->imitative test(Chinese,Math,Society) I didn't think what I did in the summer vacation was right,because of today's test,I finally realized that I was too stupid to idle the valuable tim...

2003-09-20 21:35:01

Pray for Us

(the most effective and horrible earthquake in hundred years in Taiwan) 9-21 changed our life and attutide toward everything,so we should pray for those who lost their beloved family;pray for God for ...

2003-09-19 22:26:08

A Good Thing Happened To Me

Today, when I got home, I saw a letter, coming from China Post, and I knew what happened to me; that is, my writing had been accepted. Therefore, I got a Trusty Translation Workbook. How happy I was! ...

2003-09-18 22:15:23

Sunshine without Shade,Pleasure without Pain

"All sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain is not life at all." I like this saying and I think I'm experiencing this field of it, getting more and more challenges and difficulties in li...

2003-09-12 22:50:59

A Gift from Mei

What I got made me feel stressful, a gift, an expensive-like watch from Mei. I didn’t think I deserved to be given such a valuable present from my teacher. It was strange and I though I got an import...

2003-09-12 18:26:44

September 11, 2003

Mid-Autumn Festival [Moon Festival] Thursday, September 11, 2003 PM11: 20 I felt kinda empty and some strange emotions emerged from my mind: Why I felt sad? Why I couldn’t get myself involved in ...

2003-09-11 23:05:34


19th Century Art The Romantic Movement (1800-1850) Art as Emotion The goal of self-determination that Napoleon imported to Holland, Italy, Germany and Austria affected not only nations but also...

2003-08-31 22:40:21

Excellent,kinda strange talking with dear Friends

At first, Shio(琇) called me on the phone to ask me out, because Mr. Young(洋蔥) and Mr. Ku(雞公) planed to go to her house. But I turned down her, refusing. I felt kinda sorry, but it’s just because...

2003-08-31 09:30:33

What I Feel about Online Chatting

I didn’t chat with others online until the excellent experience with the English scouts on Jan 10th .2003. From then on, I started to join in foreign chat rooms in order to see what’s the interestin...

2003-08-27 12:13:43

Such A Wonderful Experience

Started from AM 10:41:18 to AM 11:07:15 (Aug.27th in Taiwan;Aug.26th in US) I finally heard Steven and Mike talking to each other;Mike asked,talked,introduced something to me within minutes.Even th...

2003-08-22 21:49:49

Always The Two of Us

from Aug. 13,2003 我們究竟是朋友?還是一對戀人?最麻吉的摯友≠最完美的情人?愛作夢的鄉下女孩松隆子,認為「只要有堅強的信念,夢想一定能實現」,平生最大的願望,就是成為暢銷小說家、住在東京最時髦的代官山...

2003-08-21 09:22:12

Real Wisdom


2003-06-19 23:49:30


貝克漢離隊真相 ■貝克漢離開曼聯隊,過多的揣測把真相給抹掉,但事實真相應該被還原。外傳曼聯隊總教練弗格森設計貝克漢離隊,是因為貝克漢太愛出鋒頭,導致弗格森對他處以冷板凳、罰薪,甚至在休息室動粗而...

2003-06-13 18:42:46

- C21 -

C21– from the locker room to the charts and the limelight Debut album from solid live pop group What could be more tempting than to pin the ‘yet another polished boyband’ label on C21? They ...

2003-06-05 21:47:09



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