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2003-05-23 23:19:33| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Yesterday I had prepared for the report of English Conversation, and I made it in the afternoon. Besides, I also finished my Historical report on time and perfectly. How uneasy, uncomfortable, and nervous I was on today's performance. At first, I performed smoothly, but after a few seconds I got a little bit nervous. However I still used my own words to introduce the Moon Festival to all my classmates. I felt released from that moment, anyway. Later, our group had to make all of the classmates pay attention to and have interests in our activity. We decided to play a “words delay” game (英文單字接龍) and I explained the rules for them. Well, I had overcame a new challenge and had a good time with them. (I thought that I might not know how to explain in English with no any preparedness, but I did it.) However, I liked it. I figured out it was not so difficult to speak it out and it was really, really interesting. Next Friday, we will have the opportunity to BBQ, and I hope that we’ll get more chances to speak in English. Of course we should! Well, I couldn't believe that I could make it and I could use my own sentences to say what I want to express. The experience made me full of confidence. Go on and try hard! Nowadays, I should completely chase down my heart and follow my dreams and I should make it. Even though there are too many difficulties to overwhelm, I can't give up or even lose my steps. Life is always not so smooth and easy to live perfectly. All we need is find out who we are and follow our hearts to face any problems. But, I really want more time to relax or do whatever I like. Can it come true? I don’t think so right now...

In addition, I really wanna know why Paul still doesn't send any messages to me in return. I do really wanna know and I do truly miss him. Please don't lose any contact with me, Paul. I've been waiting for your replies for a long time, you know? Therefore, two of my best friends will have to take the General English Proficiency Test on July 26, and I really hope that they will pass the exam and get the certification. God, make my friends make it and be happy at every moment, please. At last, I wanna make up my mind studying hard and pray for God for not letting me easily get nervous and be more brave to face everything in life.
11:05p.m. Friday, May 23, 2003

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