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2004-07-24 16:28:52

Carrie Bradshaw

---Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and The City--- "The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several small fires." - Carrie No one captures the lives of the lovelorn an...

2004-07-24 16:08:12

Miranda Hobbes

---Miranda Hobbes of Sex and The City--- "Do any of you have a completely unremarkable friend or maybe a houseplant I could go to dinner with on Saturday night?" - Miranda Miranda is smart, s...

2004-07-24 12:57:00

Charlotte York

---Charlotte York of Sex and The City--- "If you had a patient who had a very very slim chance of living, would that be good news? Would you tell the family, "Buck up, he's got a shot in hell?" -...

2004-07-24 12:28:59

Samantha Jones

---Samantha Jones of Sex and The City--- "Sex with an ex can be depressing. If it's good, you don't have it anymore; if it's bad, you just had sex with an ex." - Samantha Scintillating Samant...

2004-07-24 08:06:03

Sex and The City

episode 01 "Sex and the City" "It's like the riddle of the Sphinx... why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?" - Carrie Directed by: Susan Seidelman Written b...

2004-07-23 22:38:49

Words by Sad Shan

Do Not Try to Comfort A Person with A Broken Heart, for S/He Might Get Hurt Too Much to Listen. All You Have to Do Is Just Keep Her/Him A Companion and Stand by Her/His Side, as A Good Listener. ...

2004-07-23 10:10:44

Orange Days

以「美麗人生」「跟我說愛我」等膾炙人口的日劇,知名於台灣的愛情浪漫劇作家—北川悅吏子,又再度打造一感人的校園愛情巨獻『Orange Days』。 日本演藝界目前最受矚目的兩大新生代影星—妻夫木聰與柴崎幸,首次攜手...

2004-07-22 22:06:37


To My Dear Friend Ted, I sincerely apologize to you for my short time disappear, because I went to bed too earlier during the past few days. In fact, I was online when you were deeply sleeping ...

2004-07-20 20:52:01

Feeling Sad Without A Suitable Reason

First, I want to apologize to my Best Friend for my Silly behavior the day before yesterday, because I put him on ignore. In fact, I was writing something to him and this is what I'm going to send him...

2004-06-22 17:40:24

Dragon Boat Festival

June 22, 2004 11AM ~ 4PM with my family^_^

2004-06-20 19:23:36

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

13:10 PM June 20, 2004 / Warner Village at Windance in Hsinchu City

2004-06-17 07:21:24

I'm Too Happy to Keep in Bed

June 17, 2004 5:30 AM YAY I finally got Ted's texts even it's not the same number (Idon't know if it works, because I sent it back and I haven't got delivery report:-S) well...I'll ask him tonight ...

2004-06-17 06:07:03

I’m Too Happy to Keep in Bed

YAY I finally got Ted's texts even it's not the same number (Idon't know if it works, because I sent it back and I haven't got delivery report:-S) well...I'll ask him tonight if he got my sms reply th...

2004-06-17 05:48:02

I'm Too Happy To Keeping in Bed

YAY I finally got Ted's texts even it's not the same number (Idon't know if it works, because I sent it back and I haven't got delivery report:-S) well...I'll ask him tonight if he got my sms reply t...

2004-06-17 05:43:44

I'm Too Happy To Keep Sleeing in Bed

YAY I finally got Ted's texts even it's not the same number (i don't know if it works, because i sent it back and i haven't got delivery report:-S) well...i'll ask him tonight if he got my sms reply t...

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