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2003-09-12 18:26:44| 人氣55| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

September 11, 2003

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Mid-Autumn Festival [Moon Festival]
Thursday, September 11, 2003 PM11: 20

I felt kinda empty and some strange emotions emerged from my mind: Why I felt sad? Why I couldn’t get myself involved in the activity? Maybe it was because I’ve been not having any interests in any holidays since I was in junior school. It’s hard to describe why I take this attitude toward those traditional celebrations. I feel it’s just a holiday, the one for barbecuing. But today, I changed my mind; I thought every festival has its own significance, and Moon Festival is the day for family’s gatherings and promoting one another’s communications. As we usually say “people didn’t realize the value of home until they left.” I though I can use it to depict what I felt about this holiday.

No celebrating activities, not all family members came back, and that’s what made me get lonely and bored. In fact, I don’t like barbecue, but I enjoy the moment when having this activity with my loved family or friends. It’s the meaning that I want to celebrate. Besides, I’ve planned to take pictures with my family, but it didn’t be realized, so I got another reason to feel sad then. Anyway, at least I found something to make myself feel better; that is, writing and still writing. That’s what I like doing now. Writing everything I want to remember or treasure, and writing makes me an improvement of composition. “Practice makes perfect” is a good saying and I’m working toward to making my writing better, and better. Writing leads me to another paradise-like world and accompanies me when I’m alone.

At about 30 minutes ago, I just wrote Steve back a letter, and I hope that he’ll be fine and every good thing happens to him. Pray for him for passing the SATs to fulfill his goal.

Life can become more interesting and meaningful as long as I take a more optimistic approach toward it. Besides, I hope those who lost their family members can get over and lead their lives productive, continuing to cherish lives. Pray for them and the world-no more wars; just Peace!

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