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 ◎ParisGil: This is unbelievable! Look at this! There's no city like this in the world. There never was. Inez: You act like you've never been here before. Gil: I don't get he......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-07-23 18:00 | 人氣:1413 | 回應:8
前言: 這篇文章其實大有掛羊頭賣狗肉的嫌疑。原本真的是要寫戴珍珠耳環少女(Girl with a Pearl Earring)的觀影心得,可是後來看到朝雲和俞伶的影評已經寫得太棒了!所以我不如就把以前所寫關於......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-01-25 11:49 | 人氣:2475 | 回應:4

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