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** 倫敦名街(11):the Strand 感謝 Oba補充

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先了解一英文單字 strand,意思為:海濱,海灘;河岸;湖濱[C](The land bordering a body of water; a beach.)。

倫敦的 STRAND 街【有些人直接翻譯成「河濱大道」,這樣好嗎?這種Strand在美國華盛頓、紐約等地都有(Before landfill left Pearl Street high and dry several blocks from the river, it was often called simply The Strand.)…..】就是泰晤士河畔的繁華街道(自十九世紀維多利亞王朝以來即有「英國傳統服裝源自Strand街;著名的大飯店Savoy Hotel……)。Strand, street in London, England, roughly parallel with the Thames River, running from the Temple to Trafalgar Square. It is a street of law courts, hotels, theaters, and office buildings and is the main artery between the City and the West End.

福爾摩斯(The Adventuresof Sherlock Holmes) 在 The Strand Magazine 刊登( July 1891 to June 1892)。.
在 T. S. Eliot 的 「荒原」約第257行:
“This music crept by me upon the waters”
And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria
Street. O City city, I can sometimes hear
Beside a public bar in ...

我印象挺深的另外作品,包括 V. Woolf在1931年發表的文集,描述她以到 Strand 街買鉛筆的理由,在冬天午後三四時從家一路漫遊之心境。

在Boswell名著 Life of Johnson 的 1779年10月10日,記Johnson到倫敦之後的十幾處居所,有幾次在 the Strand (牛津本p.1035 注一)。

感謝 Oba 補充:「有關Strand二三事」:
道爾的小說--不僅僅是因為其緊湊的辦案情節,也因為其懸疑的氣氛--開始在有插圖的倫敦《岸濱月刊(The Strand Magazine)》上連載。」


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