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Reaganism 1966 自由市場FREE-MARKET。低稅 。反共產主義。Reagannomics 1980 ; Star Wars1983
"Reaganomics"是1980年的新創字。它的意思詳本文中英解說。本文根據小讀者在Simon University的留言整理】:

「雷根覺得"我們政府管得太多, 干涉太多, 官樣玩意兒太多". 他要的是小政府, 而不是"大有為"政府, 要自由經濟, 開放式資本主義大企業經濟.

政府越小越好, 這也是根源回歸於美國人對 "政府" 不信任的 "立國精神". 他要國人恢復對我們美式"制度體系"的信心, 引其為榮, 熱愛它. 重點在美式"體系制度", 不僅是"國家"這個東西而已, 這和大陸無論極體抑開放也要愛祖國, 台灣餓肚子也要選某某--這種愛的標的物繫於國家民族此一抽象集體物的愛法大異其趣.

美國人認為他們的制度舉世第一,具有最高的真理性道德性,是人類社會的光明所在、世界的燈塔。反美者不是在反美利堅這個區區"國家" ,卻是在反真理反自由。美國其實是一個"意識型態"很重的國家。 隨時高舉美式體系的優異性,美軍乃王師, 將光明帶到黑暗之地 pax americana!

"Reaganomics" was the most serious attempt to change the course of U.S. economic policy of any administration since the New Deal. "Only by reducing the growth of government," said Ronald Reagan, "can we increase the growth of the economy." Reagan's 1981 Program for Economic Recovery had four major policy objectives: (1) reduce the growth of government spending, (2) reduce the marginal tax rates on income from both labor and capital, (3) reduce regulation, and (4) reduce inflation by controlling the growth of the money supply. These major policy changes, in turn, were expected to increase saving and investment, increase economic growth, balance the budget, restore healthy financial markets, and reduce inflation and interest rates.

Any evaluation of the Reagan economic program should thus address two general questions: How much of the proposed policy changes were approved? And how much of the expected economic effects were realized? Reaganomics continues to be a controversial issue. For those who do not view Reaganomics through an ideological lens, however, one's evaluation of this major change in economic policy will depend on the balance of the realized economic effects.

又,「後」「補」:「好像說得太偏激了一點。應該說:絕大多數美國人都自認他們的體系是好的。在這整體認知之下 又大致可分為兩類人:
有很多人因而衍生了"沙文"心態。但也有很多人擁有自省能力,正視並批判其本國人具有的這種心態。也許,這就是美國能夠繼續"獨步獨霸"全國的緣故吧 !」

台長: hc
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