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2009-07-01 22:15:26| 人氣244| 回應0 | 上一篇

[BBC新聞] 美國:伊拉克考驗才剛開始

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Alfred WANG 編譯


美國總統歐巴馬表示,美軍已如期撤出伊拉克的城鎮區域,但眼前的考驗(difficult days)才剛開始。




伊國為交接的那天訂立國定假日,起名為國家主權紀念日(National Sovereignty Day),那時歐巴馬總統認為,伊國人民已掌握自己的未來,自然為此歡欣鼓舞,而未來是屬於建立一切的人,而不是毀滅一切的人。

歐巴馬總統預期未來會有更多的暴力行為,基爾庫克城發生「無知的爆炸案(senseless bombing)」就是一個例子。






該城為北伊石油工業中心,且當地居民有庫德人、阿拉伯人、基督徒還有土庫曼社區(Turkmen community)的成員,衝突一觸即發。




撤軍之前的兩年,即2007年二月至六月間,為美軍的增兵潮("surge" of extra troops),使美軍在伊國的駐軍達到十七萬人。






US warns Iraq of 'difficult days'

US President Barack Obama says US troops have withdrawn from Iraq's towns and cities on schedule, but he warned of "difficult days" ahead.

Mr Obama described Tuesday's handover to Iraqis as a milestone, but said the country's leaders would face "hard choices" on politics and security.

As Iraqis celebrated the US withdrawal, a car bomb in the northern city of Kirkuk killed at least 27 people.

In the past two weeks about 250 people have been killed in a wave of attacks.

Iraqi and US troops have been on alert for attacks during the pullback.

As Iraq marked the handover with a public holiday called National Sovereignty Day, President Obama said: "Iraq's future is in the hands of its own people."

"The Iraqi people are rightly treating this as a cause for celebration.

"The future belongs to those who build, not to those who destroy."

Mr Obama predicted there would be more violence, like the "senseless bombing" in Kirkuk.

That came 10 days after a truck bomb killed more than 70 in the city's deadliest attack in over a year.

"Make no mistake, there will be difficult days ahead," he said.

He added: "There are those who will test Iraq's security forces and the resolve of the Iraqi people through more sectarian bombings and the murder of innocent civilians.

"I am confident that those forces will fail. Today's transition is further proof that those who have tried to pull Iraq into the abyss of disunion and civil war are on the wrong side of history."

Violent month 

Kirkuk, about 250km (155 miles) from Baghdad, was also the scene of two suicide bombings last month, in which 14 people were killed.

The city is the centre of northern Iraq's oil industry, and home to a volatile mix of Kurds, Arabs, Christians and members of the Turkmen community.

Most of the other bombs that have killed around 250 people in the past fortnight have been aimed at Shia areas.

Despite their pullback from cities and towns, US troops will still be embedded with Iraqi forces.

On Monday, four US soldiers were killed in combat in Baghdad.

The pullback comes two years after the US "surge" of extra troops between February and June 2007, which saw US troop levels in Iraq reach about 170,000.

US-led combat operations are due to end by September 2010, with all troops gone from Iraq by the end of 2011.

Some 131,000 US troops remain in Iraq, including 12 combat brigades, and the total is not expected to drop below 128,000 until after the Iraqi national election in January.

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