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2009-03-01 15:15:48| 人氣192| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[政筆作業] Long shots for 2009

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Alfred WANG 編譯

Long shots for 2009

The unlikely, but possible, turn of events

The Middle East is not the only region with tempting or troubling longshots. Will a settlement, for example, at last be reached for theconflict, now more than three decades long, between Morocco and the Algeria-backed Polisario in the Western Sahara? With good luck, andcontinued good will by Pakistan’s President, India and Pakistan will befully reconciled. With bad luck, of which there is always plenty in theregion, Mr. Zardari is ousted (perhaps by military men sympathetic toAfghanistan’s Taliban) and the two countries clash violently yet againover Kashmir.

One long shot for East Asia would be the collapse of North Korea,leading to a hugely challenging – and costly – reunification of thepeninsula. Another would be a successful military coup in thePhilippines, after so many failed ones.


As the memory of September 11th 2001 fades, the odds of a terroristatrocity in America may seem to have lengthened – but the risk remainsreal. Capturing or killing Osama bin Laden has become a long shot (in2002 the odds were much shorter). Following cyber-attacks on Estonianwebsites in 2007, the odds on cyber-terrorism – perhaps by governments– are shortening. One nasty thought is that the internet will clog up,unable to cope with the increased traffic of a wired world.

Risk does not, of course, confine itself only to the troubled bits ofthe globe. In peaceful Britain, for example, might Queen Elizabeth,after 57 years on the throne, abdicate? And if so, in favour of hereldest son, or elder grandson? As for America, though skeptics willscoff, campaigners will cling to an outside chance that the deathpenalty will be abandoned, either by the will of a succession of statesor possibly by the Supreme Court ruling it “cruel and unusual”.
當然,危機不會只存在於地球的某一角。舉例來說,和平安祥的英國,伊莉莎白女王殿下在位五十七年之後,會不會宣佈讓位呢?若真的讓位了,是長子受益,還是對長孫有利呢?至於美國,盡管受到懷疑論者百般嘲諷,社運人士將堅持己見,尋求微乎其微的機會廢除死刑,不管是期待新任的國家元首宣佈死刑廢除,或是靜候最高法院宣判死刑是「殘酷無道的行為(cruel and unusual)」。

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