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 First off All, I Apologise my poor Japonese.  野外コンサード → 草生えだ。 ---安城学園吹奏楽部とが: 名古屋?! 調律する時は、なか奇妙たな~~~  對於米......(詳全文)
發表時間:2019-12-27 13:05 | 人氣:494 | 回應:0
"Jia(chia) yi guan yue je" refers "Band festival which holds at Chiayi".where:"Guan" has "tube" meaning and "Yue" for Muzik...so that guan yue means "Wind (Orchestra)""Je" is simpl......(詳全文)
發表時間:2018-12-19 14:48 | 人氣:1392 | 回應:1

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