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2011-09-28 16:02:37


楓岫主人獄中吟詩 原詩: 偶開天眼覷紅塵,可憐身是眼中人。譯詩:Running into sightheavenly view of mindover the earth (red and) wide.Just to realizeI am also rightone of the poor guysbeneath my sight(eyes...

2011-09-01 17:43:50


殊十二的繳命唸謠原版:搖啊搖,搖啊搖風吹飄搖,人死過橋十年恩,十年怨,回首殘照,百年夢遙搖啊搖,搖啊搖輪迴殿上,判一紙命繳。譯版:Rock it on, rock it on,wind blows and swings it on.People die and move o...

2011-06-15 21:51:30

Thoughts on The Lincoln Lawyer

Again, I finished reading another novel, The Lincoln Lawyer. This novel has been made to a movie with the same name and already came off the movie theater on the time of this post. It will probably ma...

2011-06-07 17:09:26



2011-05-19 18:04:14

The Kite Runner

Finally, I finished it. I know I am pretty much behind the time when it comes to reading novels, but it'sbetter late than never. Isn't that what people always say ? Well, let's forget what people say ...

2011-01-20 12:16:30


原詩:六道同墜,魔劫萬千,引渡如來譯詩:The collapse of realmall six to descend.The world is damnedthe evil rampant.Hence the Buddha camebrought us to another endwhere the truth reigns.翻譯源起:這首詩,...

2010-11-28 14:50:00


原詩:一簫一劍平生意,負盡狂名十五年。簫中弦音藏柔情,劍下腥血寄恨仇;來何洶湧須揮劍,去向纏綿可付簫。譯詩:Flute and sword,Favorite I own.Fifteen years have gone alone.Crazy as I been known.Flute plays...

2010-10-28 09:56:04


角色: 醜原詩:廢一足,知世路難行眇一目,看清濁昏明殘一臂,曉手下留情毀半面,喜雨過天清。譯詩:Missing a leg feeling the pathknowing the world is rugged.Losing an eyediscreet my sightseeing the wrong and...

2010-08-31 10:01:17


罵人嘴賤的英文:What a mouthy bitch you are.Trion英文心得短句:We all wear masks. Some may be thinner than others, but we all need that mask to keep us from harm, to move on. Without that mask, we will ...

2010-08-25 10:59:37


角色: 南風不競的自白原句: 吾用一生,寫一首詩 盲目尋添,只找一字 直到此刻,詩成一字 早已銘心。英譯: Write a poem of my own filling my life into its tone. I search alone for a word that fits my tone wit...

2010-08-18 10:15:16


角色:楓岫主人原詩:笑看嫣紅染半山,逐風萬里白雲間逍遙此身不為客,天地三才任平凡譯詩:Cover hill half wayall in maple redwith smile in my face.Chasing winds everywhereten thousand miles awaywith clouds a...

2010-08-04 18:24:29


角色: 南風不競 詩號: 馳來北馬多驕氣,歌到南風盡死聲。 譯詩: Running horse from North wraps itself in arrogance whereas ballads travel south turn themselves into death notes.

2010-06-30 11:04:26


風之門,這是一部講述近代義大利歷史與政治變遷的電影,導演藉由一個家族的延續,穿越數十年的時空,透過劇中男主角南柯一夢般的經歷,緩緩帶出這數十年來的時代變革。 片中在歷史不斷的推進裏,導演採用了幽默的明...

2010-06-25 11:42:03


最近因為心情有點煩悶,因此看美劇Two and a half men來疏解心情,同時也可以學英文。 Two and a half men,中文譯名好像叫男人兩個半,不過這不重要,反正我是看無字幕的英文影集來練習英聽,譯名翻成什麼不是重點,...

2010-06-24 09:22:53


The wind of favor blows steady neverAs our lives ever little can we alter.For we are neither our lord and master.Wired by the puller controls our behavior.Struggle can't we take over, fight will tang...

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