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這首歌我昨晚沒聽到。但是一聽就會「ㄉㄧㄠˊ」在腦壁上不肯下來。很頑強的歌。更可怕的是,我可以一邊哼這歌一邊專心的聽Liz Phair唱"Girls!Girls!Girls!"(註),(但我可以告訴你,我不是man-hater,也不是man-eater,都不是。)這真的很恐怖。


by Yo La Tengo
from the album "Fakebook"

Come won't you walk with me Griselda,
wearing the dress that moonlight shines through.
I am a sad and lonely boy ,
since your mother said I couldn't see you.

Slipping through the wood in the dark of the night,
calling to the moon out yonder
O Lady Moon won't you shine a silver light, and lead me to my Griselda.

Do you recall last night Griselda?
Learning the lessons nature taught us.
Watching the fish up the lake,
it was lovely till your mother caught us.

Slipping through the wood in the dark of the night,
calling to the moon out yonder
O Lady Moon won't you shine a silver light, and lead me to my Griselda.

Moonflower find upon the window,
give me a foothold for my finding.
I've got a row boat on the lake.
Fishing around and all the sun was shining.

Slipping through the wood in the dark of the night,
calling to the moon out yonder
O Lady Moon won't you shine a silver light, and lead me to my Griselda.

I've got a jug of wine Griselda.
Why must you waste your time in sorrow?
Hold out your hand; have no fear.
If we're caught, I'll marry you tomorrow.

Slipping through the wood in the dark of the night,
calling to the moon out yonder
O Lady Moon won't you shine a silver light, and lead me to my Griselda.

Slipping through the wood in the dark of the night,
calling to the moon out yonder
O Lady Moon won't you shine a silver light, and lead me to my Griselda.


台長: Natasha
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