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圖片來源:http://5icomment.com/zhuanti?id=99個人觀察,歐巴馬(奧巴馬)勝選對中國和台灣的影響為:1. 歐巴馬的「重返亞洲」戰略會執行得更徹底,必會加大力道圍堵中國海軍在釣魚台、台海、南......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-11-07 22:00 | 人氣:1707 | 回應:4
《The day after tomorrow: 116 reverses 911 》(116美國大選逆轉911命運)Since Obama killed Osama, the fear of terrorism in US had seemed disappearing slowly. The impact of 911 may b......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-11-05 22:22 | 人氣:1009 | 回應:0

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