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2011-01-01 19:34:17| 人氣133| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy New Year!! My Family and My Friends...

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新年快樂!! 昨天我在Sydney Opera House還有Habour Bridge前的Mrs. Macquaries Point等待了一整天. 當午夜十二點的倒數一過, 有生以來... 我看過最棒的煙火就在我眼前綻放. 砰砰砰地爆炸聲響迴盪在這個華麗的港灣, 也撼動了我的心... 真的非常感動. 我又達成了一件我到澳洲最想做的事情之一. 另外, 最重要的是... 我有一群重要的朋友在我身邊. 總之就是超開心^^

新的一年裡... 我還要朝著我環澳的夢想繼續前進. 希望我的家人朋友們... 你們也能心想事成!!!


Happy new year!! Yesterday I spent all the day at Mrs. Macquaries Point where is in front of Sydney Opera House and Habour Bridge. After midnight, when we just finish to count backwards, I saw the most awesome firework that I have ever seen in my life. This beautiful harbour resounded with the sound of the firework, and it also vibrated my heart... I really felt touching at this moment. I achieved one of my objectives that I really want to do in Australia again. And the most important thing was that there were many important friends beside me in this moment. Anyway... I was so glad ^^

In this new year... I wanna keep going for my dream (I wanna travel around Australia one circle). My family and my friends... I also hope that you can let your dreams come true!!!

台長: 挖洗拍狼啦~
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