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2005-07-15 02:58:07| 人氣59| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

let him go

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why I miss him so much recently?
even we are far far from each other
we have totally different lifestyle
and he met so much poeple and girls every day
I know he didn't take me to his heart anymore
I know he said he just treated me as a friend
even he ever liked me for that short four days
I still miss him so much
I always like watching pictures and videos again and again
and try to remember every detail happened in that moment
what kind of feeling I have?
actually I am not sure in 100%
but I know I didn't fall in love with him anymore
someone else already in my heart
I don't know.........just miss him........
I hope that one day I can come back that small but charming place where I am familiar ao much
but, I think, it's time to let him go
get him out my heart and mind extremely
we are not belong together anymore.........

台長: blue
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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