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2005-12-27 10:00:18| 人氣78| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Dear My dear,

I can’t say how tired I am.
Even I try my best to forget something or express it with you,
I chose to challenge your character of something special for myself at first,
The time has passed though,
You don’t mind me as you showed to me invariably.
I think I am not special who can let you any difference,
So far, I am afraid to tell you “Do I really like you or not?”
Why I always fight over trifling matters?
I don’t think I am an unreasonable girl, am I?
I really sad as I can’t told you any expectancy from you.
Don’t be mind, that you always say that.
But I can’t understand why I don’t need to mind anything.
Why you let me so sad?
Does this is what you want to take?
Where am I?

台長: 貓科
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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