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初步的體驗心得 Dave Scott 在 "efficient swimming" 裡談到手入水後,向前伸到手肘170°(大臂與小臂)。奧運選手都是伸直,因為那些選手的肩膀運動能力很強(hyper mobile their shoulders)。至於......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-05-31 23:58 | 人氣:10973 | 回應:0
Since I will be coaching Danny and John for crawl strokes, I started to go back to the pool to practice and observe other swimmers.  Comparing what I observed in the pool with......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-05-25 21:39 | 人氣:2622 | 回應:0

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