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2016-01-27 14:05:44| 人氣1,127| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thai Corner Restaurant

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Wel­come to the Thai Cor­ner Restau­rant in beau­ti­ful Sidney-by-the-sea on Van­cou­ver Island,
British Colum­bia.

On the main street in Sidney, this plain,
simple restaurant offers a rich Thai food experience.
Spring rolls, satay, pad Thai, red (get the one with duck) and green curries,
and lots more. 

Pleasant servers, large portions,
quality ingredients, and delicious sauces make the Thai Corner a no brainer. 

The lovely owners are proud of their restaurant,
and it shows. Very consistent in quality over several visits. 

A great place for Thai food!

  • address:
    10153 Resthaven Dr, Sidney BC V8L 3G8

2015 11  Victoria

台長: Momo~
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