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2014-05-09 08:16:25| 人氣680| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Jang Mo Jib Korean Restaurant

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Doe Jee Bool Go Gee $14.95
Korean Traditional stir-fried pork meat and vegetables with spicy House special B.B.Q. sauce
Choose from non-spicy, little-spicy, medium and spicy.

free small dishes~

Ddak Hahn Mah Ri Kahl Kook Soo $29.95
Whole Chicken Noodle Hot Pot
Traditional boiled whole chicken in hot pot, with handmade noodle,

 potato, green onion, zucchini, and korean style rice cakes.

Served with salt and sesame oil and spicy sauce to dip.

 Very ripe Kimchee is served with this dish also. .

seafood pancake

yummy chicken wings~


Jang Mo Jib Korean Restaurant

5075 Kingsway, Burnaby · (604) 435-8818


2014 05


台長: Momo~
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