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2012-07-03 11:24:33| 人氣592| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Marina Side Grill Restaurant

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Hadn't been to the Marina Grill in years.

To my surprise it has improved tremendously.


They finally painted the inside and removed the ugly carpet

for something a lot nicer.

They are kid friendly now and when

I asked the waitress she told me they are under new ownership.

This place is great for small or large parties,

and the decor inside is large and comfortable,

with a few nice TV screens, fire places,

and lots of space.

Dear Sara and I~ 

This place is located right under the ( Iron Workers Memorial Bridge )

'' 2nd Narrows Bridge '' .



Food was good, portions were plentiful and staff very friendly.

Marina Side Grill Restaurant

The food is good, been there many times.

In summer the dock is right outside the door.

The staff is good, and also great service,

I had no problems,

how ever the '' Marina Grill '' maybe a little hard to find at first, but worth it.


Marina Side Grill Restaurant

A nice patio overlooking the marina,and with no fishy ocean smell.



Marina Side Grill Restaurant has a beautiful view~

If you want to enjoy a meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner, check it out,

great view of the water.

 Marina Grill

1653 Columbia St.
North Vancouver, BC V7J1A5
Tel:  (604) 988-0038

Neighbourhood: Seymour Creek
Cuisine: Seafood, Steaks
Price: $$$ ($10 - $45)
Reservations: Accepted
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Weekend brunch

2012 07 01

台長: Momo~
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