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The New Oxford Pub

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Donnelly's newest edition to its public house's, the New Oxford public house features a London style setting. Full of beautiful pieces that fit this venue perfectly~

The New Oxford Public House

The New Oxford Public House

The New Oxford Public House

The New Oxford Public House

The New Oxford Public House


The New Oxford Public House

The New Oxford Public House

1/2 Rueben and Salad $8

1/2 BTLA and  salad.$8

Dear Ariel and I~

1/2 chick/waffle and yam fire $8

Cheesecake $8

The New Oxford Public House

(604) 899-3229
1144 Homer Street
Vancouver, BC V6B


 Pub Food, Organic and Breakfast/Brunch
 $10-15 per entree

2011 10 11


台長: Momo~
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