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Highland Pub at SFU

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SFU Student Central~

SFSS stuff locked out for a better pay.


bookstore ~ 

Located in the MBC Building on the university campus of SFU in Burnaby. The pub patio offers spectacular views while enjoying a pint of beer. Daily draft specials, cocktails and many other beverages to choose from. Daily lunch specials and every Thursday sustainable menu features. Pub bookings available for groups of 10ppl or more enquire at 604-291-4634 more info. 5 TVS and Large screen broadcast all the latest sports events. Every Thursday pub night starting in the fall, live DJ. Cover charge.

•broadcast Canucks games including Pay-per-view games
•carry satellite sports feeds including NHL, Euro Soccer, International Soccer, NBA, NFL, Boxing, UFC
•have a full kitchen
•occassionally have live music
•charge an entrance fee for special events
•have an outdoor patio / balcony
•have a pool table
•have a dart board
•play every type of music
•offer wireless Internet access
Beer List: 10 beers available
•Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale
•Becks Becks
•Columbia Brewing Co. Kokanee
•Columbia Brewing Co. Kokanee Gold
•Granville Island Brewing English Bay Pale Ale
•Granville Island Brewing Kitsilano Maple Cream Ale
•Kootenay Mountain Ale
•Molson Rickards Honey Brown
•Molson Rickards Red
•Stella Artois Stella Artois

If you're really looking for a pub to head to , probably The Mountain Shadow at the bottom of the hill is the best bet. Cheaper, more fun and more room. Granted this is all with 'you want to head to a university bar' in mind so if that thought doesn't appeal you can steer very clear of Burnaby Mountain all together.



The patio is wonderful on a nice summers day but overall it's just a depressing, expensive spot.

Highland Pub at SFU

Highland Pub at SFU.

 Overall, a fine place to knock back a few drinks after class/work if you're on the hill.

Not as overpriced as in the past but service is still lacklustre

I ordered a sex beach cocktail..$4.10

Tiger prawns$ 8.99

The good:
*The beautiful view from the patio on a sunny day in their amazingly comfortable new furniture.
*The new $9.99 Highland Lager jugs (formerly called Winchester beer, what I'm pretty sure is just Black Label)
*Lots of seating
*Moderately priced food for a campus pub
*Very convienient

The bad:
*The interior is mediocre at best
*They are too frequently out of Highland Lager
*They will close at 10 pm on a weeknight

Luckily there's really no choice at SFU so it'll never die. You can go to the Himalayan peak for slightly cheaper drinks but their less rowdy atmosphere means slightly less fun.

Highland Pub at SFU
(North Burnaby)

Address: 8888 University Drive 
  Phone: 778-782-4334
Near: Production Way Skytrain Station

2011 08 16 SFU

台長: Momo~
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