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Whytecliff Park

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Whytecliff park is located near West Vancouver's Horseshoe Bay Neighbourhood.

 The original name was White Cliff City. In 1914, Colonel Albert Whyte pressed for the spelling change from White Cliff City to Whytecliff.


  Yu ting and I~

Overlooking Howe Sound you will have tremendous view if the sky is blue... Keep an eye for bald eagles, and if you are really lucky some killer whales (orca). People come to scuba dive here, and just hang out, maybe a picnic too... we had picnic and nice women's chat this afternoon!!

Worth the drive !!! this is a great little park that is perfect for that late-afternoon picnic...
Great place to lounge and waste the day away !!! Magnificent views of the gulf islands, a green area to kick the soccer ball around, BBQ area and a secluded bay to swim in !!!!  one of the coolest parts about this park is the semi-submerged stone path you can follow out to mini-island / rock formation out on the water !!

 From this rock you can take in an amazing view and catch some sun while your at it !!! There's a pebble / sand beach by the water but it can get busy if it's a sunny day on the weekend, in that case make camp up hill. There are also 2 sets of washrooms that seem to be pretty decent (decent being clean toilet paper) !!!! Oh oh... and the drive there is sweet as well, you'll be able to take in great views as you rip around those tight corners !!!!

The park is currently home to more than 200 marine animal species and is the first Marine Protected Area in Canada. Sea lions can be seen sunbathing on the beach during summer.

To get there, take Marine Drive west from the Lions Gate Bridge past Lighthouse Park to Horseshoe Bay and then continue on to 7100 Block Marine Drive.


Enjoy the beautiful summer~ 

Another view of the park. At low tide you can access the little island and make it yours for the time of a picnic... But watch for the tide so you don't get stucked overnight!!!

Whytecliff Park  ~you would love to visit in summer time for sure!

 2011 07 25

台長: Momo~
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