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2004-04-15 01:44:35


明日報友人項薇之之詩集今日上架 誠摯推薦給您 !! 我雖不在台灣 但已透過朋友訂購~ 以下為詩集簡介 希望透過她細膩真實的筆觸 能帶給您精神層面的沖擊與迴響~Momo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

2004-04-15 01:18:55

(Mount Baker) ..in W.A p 4

Mount Baker is the third highest mountain in the state of Washington. Its icy volcanic dome rises just 15 miles south of the U.S.-Canadian border, and 35 miles east of Bellingham, Washington.It receiv...

2004-04-15 01:15:25

(Mount Baker) ..in W.A p 3

Mount Baker is the third highest mountain in the state of Washington. Its icy volcanic dome rises just 15 miles south of the U.S.-Canadian border, and 35 miles east of Bellingham, Washington.It receiv...

2004-04-14 15:01:08


祈禱詞 ..七里香系列~我知道這世界不是絕對的好我也知道它有離別 有衰老然而我只有一次的機會上主啊 請俯聽我的祈禱請給我一個長長的夏季給我一段無瑕的回憶給我一顆溫柔的心給我一份潔白的戀情我只能來這世上一次...

2004-04-14 12:07:34

(Mount Baker) ..in W.A p 2

Mount Baker is the third highest mountain in the state of Washington. Its icy volcanic dome rises just 15 miles south of the U.S.-Canadian border, and 35 miles east of Bellingham, Washington.It receiv...

2004-04-14 11:41:27

(Mount Baker).in.. W.A. p.1

Mount Baker is the third highest mountain in the state of Washington. Its icy volcanic dome rises just 15 miles south of the U.S.-Canadian border, and 35 miles east of Bellingham, Washington.It receiv...

2004-04-12 11:51:04

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 6

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 6Olympic National Park ~ Check .P.1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~文章數 414 則 尚餘硬碟空間 77.86 % 人氣指數 00062475 人 愛的鼓勵數 3273 次 留言數 2764 篇 本週被推薦數 1...

2004-04-12 11:44:25

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 5

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 5Olympic National Park ~CHECK P.1MOMO~2004.04.09

2004-04-12 11:42:52

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 4

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 4Olympic National Park ~CHECK P.1MOMO~2004.04.09

2004-04-12 11:39:14

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 3

Olympic National Park ~Superlatives about the trees abound,for several specmens reach record sizes.in some locations,the forest canopy is so thick that falling snow is caught in the trees and never re...

2004-04-12 11:37:30

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view! 2

Olympic National Park in Washington. P.2Olympic National Park ~CHECK P.1MOMO...

2004-04-12 11:25:36

Mt.Olympus~ beautiful view ! 1

Mt.Olympus~Beautiful View!Views of the Forest: Home of the Gods~The Spanish had sailed the coast of the Pacific Northwest since the late 1500s and had named many of the mountains and ocean capes to ma...

2004-04-08 11:07:13


當一切都已過去我知道 我會慢慢地將你忘記心上的重擔卸落請你 請你原諒我生命原是要不斷地受傷和不斷地復原世界仍然是一個在溫柔地等待著我成熟的果園天這樣藍 樹這樣綠生活原來可以這樣的安寧和 美麗!Poem by 席...

2004-04-08 11:02:16


我用一生來思索一個問題年輕時 如羞澀的蓓蕾無法啟口等花滿枝椏卻又別離而今夜相見卻又礙著你我的白髮可笑啊 不幸的我終於要用一生來思索一個問題Poem by 席慕蓉.Picture...By Momo.04.03Momo on the way home fro...

2004-04-08 10:58:46

十六歲的花季..Seattle. P.28


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