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2007-11-12 13:03:00


You’re so horny. ROSS: Oh my god. You are pure evil. CHANDLER: Ok, pure evil, horny and alone. I’ve done this.

2007-11-12 13:00:03


Oh my god. You are pure evil.你~~真邪惡 ROSS: Oh my god. You are pure evil. CHANDLER: Ok, pure evil, horny and alone. I’ve done this. 我不過是邪惡,好色又寂寞貝

2007-11-12 00:51:11
2007-11-12 00:49:39


You guys wanna get some coffee? 你們要咖啡嗎(熟友口語 ) Can I get you something to drink? (社交用語) Would you like something to drink? (社交用語) make coffee 泡咖啡 make tea 泡茶 make meals (m...

2007-11-12 00:47:55


cook sth up ---瞎掰 cook sth up=make sth up to invent a story, plan, etc., usually dishonestly: 例如 1. She’d cooked up some weird scheme that was going to earn her a fortune. 2. I had to c...

2007-11-12 00:43:08


This is so your fault.這都是你的錯~~超口語的 =This is all your fault You are so~~ wrong.你錯得離譜 紐約人講話愛說so~~

2007-11-12 00:31:27


beat it !滾啦 =go fly a kite. =get lost.

2007-11-12 00:29:28


My leg is asleep.我的腳麻了 If your arm or leg is asleep, it cannot feel anything because it has been in the same position for so long that the blood supply has been cut off. My arm is asleep.

2007-11-12 00:26:23


Who brings home the backon?誰賺錢養家 bring home the bacon INFORMAL--- to earn money for a family to live on: 例: I can’t sit around all day - someone’s got to bring home the bacon. My fath...

2007-11-12 00:17:07


Try Me !你給我速速看 有和自家兄弟姐妹吵架的經驗吧 ”我打你ㄛ! ” ”你敢?” ”你不敢?” ”你看我敢不敢...”=Try Me ! don’t you dare--- used to tell someone angrily not to do something: ”...

2007-11-12 00:03:00


You are getting on my nerves.你很煩ㄝ

2007-11-12 00:02:08


Sorry for getting in your hair.對不起!打擾到你 =Sorry for bothering you

2007-11-11 23:43:58


Who the hell is Jordie?---Who the hell is XXXX ? What the hell is MSN?----What the hell is XXXX ? 凡是你不知道的人事物,就這麼問 乖小孩不要用,以上僅供壞人參考 大鬼!check it out !! (註*大鬼是...

2007-11-11 23:38:37


Where the hell have you been?你到哪裡鬼混去了 = Where have you been?

2007-11-11 23:36:36


She has a bun in the oven.(她懷孕了) 最近ice cream 喜洋洋地告訴我她不久會有個同胞手足, 她媽懷孕了, Congratulations !! bun 就是漢堡的上下那兩片或大亨堡夾hot dog的那種軟麵包 或夾沙拉或肉鬆的那種...

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