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2007-11-14 12:10:13

閉嘴~閉嘴 ~閉上你的狗嘴 !!

客氣的說: Be quiet, please. 生氣的說: Shup up ! 抓狂就吼: Shut up your fucking big mouth. 閉嘴 !!閉嘴 !!閉上你的狗嘴 !! 唉!無辜的狗狗!!

2007-11-14 12:07:13


He is fucking fake. He is a liar.騙子 !! fake --- verb (=to pretend ) He isn’t really crying, he’s just faking.

2007-11-13 07:25:48


X年前盛香珍在美國造成一小孩噎到的蒟蒻事件賠款數億台幣,令人印象深刻. 阿度仔的命較值錢...這要在台灣或大陸幾十萬就偷笑 昨天看到南方大表哥的報台... ”沒錯!外國人現在比我們強,因此我們要奮發圖強!我們...

2007-11-13 06:59:05


the homeless 流浪漢 homeless---adj the homeless---多做複數用 定義--people who do not have a home, usually because they are poor 例如 1.He is homeless. 2.The homeless don’t know where to g...

2007-11-13 06:55:37


a stray dog 流浪狗 a stray cat 流浪貓 a stray kid 流浪兒 stray---a pet that no longer has a home or cannot find its home: 例如 ”Who owns that cat?” ”I don’t know. I think it must be a st...

2007-11-13 06:01:19


I’d like to have my ears pierced. 我想去穿耳洞 pierce--Verb 刺 to go in or through (something), esp. with a pointed object, making a hole 例如 1. Pierce the potatoes with a fork to see if they...

2007-11-13 05:43:17


Ballroom Dancing 國標舞 「國際標準舞 Ballroom Dancing」一般簡稱為「國標舞」(國際標準舞又稱為標準舞、運動舞蹈、競技舞或社交舞)。國標舞(標準舞)它同時兼具運動、休閒、健身及社交等功能,目前已成為全...

2007-11-12 22:29:45


He has a really big tongue.他說話大舌頭

2007-11-12 18:05:32


French kiss 法式接吻 a kiss with the lips apart and the tongues touching ---攪舌啦

2007-11-12 17:57:18


French leave 法國式的告別 (old-fashioned, humorous) a period when you are absent from work without asking for permission In the 18th century in France, it was the custom to leave an official even...

2007-11-12 17:54:08


a French letter (informal, old-fashioned) a thin rubber covering that a man can wear on his penis during sex to stop a woman becoming pregnant or to protect him or his partner against infectious di...

2007-11-12 14:52:44


I can’t swim right now, I have my period. 我不能游泳,因為那個來 period--月經 the time when blood and liquid flows out of the vagina, starts between age of 12-16 for most girls, some later, earlie...

2007-11-12 14:23:55


dick 有4解-----你不可不知 1.The male genitals=penis 男性生殖器官 2.a bastard 混蛋 3.動詞--鬼混 4.Short-form for ”Richard”--人名Richard的簡稱 例 1.Dick is a dick. 2.Stop being such a dick ...

2007-11-12 14:14:01


out of the closet 出櫃--不再隱藏性向 (adjective) not hiding your sexual orientation or secret. 例 He decided to come out of the closet. 出櫃--直譯自英文

2007-11-12 13:10:53


round up 集合,召集 Let me round up some friends to help you.我撂人來幫忙 We rounded up some friends to play poker and drink beer. play poker 打撲克牌

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