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2012-09-06 00:58:19| 人氣136| 回應0 | 上一篇

Last Words

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Hugo Grotius1583~1645

By understanding many things I have accomplished nothing.


Georg Friedrich Hegel1770~1831

Now, nobody will ever understand me.


Karl Marx1818~1883

 Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough.


Charles Caleb Colton1780~1832

When life is unbearable, death is desirable and suicide justifiable.


Frédéric Chopin1810~1849

The earth is suffocating. Swear to make them cut me open,

   so I won’t be buried alive.


Henri Murger1822~1861

No more music, no more commotion, no more Bohemia.

Alexandre Dumas1802~1870

I shall never know how it all comes out.


Franz Kafka1883~1924

There will be no proof that I ever was a writer.


Rainer Maria Rilke1875~1926

I still think of the world, poor shard of a vessel that remembers

  being of the earth. But how it abuses our senses and their 

  dictionary the pain that turns their pages.


Jacques Rigaut1898~1929

Suicide is a vocation.

Stefan Zweig1881~1942

I Believe it is time to end a life which was dedicated only

  to spiritual work, considering human liberty and my own

  as the greatest wealth in the world. I leave an affectionate

  goodbye to all my friends.

台長: Outsider


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