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2010-05-15 15:02:51| 人氣182| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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In the two years ago, I just kept a faith that I did not want to lose to other people.

Besides, I consider that I must dosomething different in my life.

So, I exhausted all my effort to enter this institution.

During these two years, if someone asks mewhat is your greatest harvest?

I will answer that I face my lack of capability continuously.

Moreover, I need with honesty to accept my loss.

It is the most difficult part for me.

Sometime, I feel I fall out of all my confidence and bravery and involve in a deep depressive mood.

I ever complain about the unfair fortunes and I feel angry it just like someone gives me a big joke.

However, when I retrospect the detail of this life, I never regret for the original choice.

It trains me how to do a right thing and insist on myself notion.

I try to use the words to record this truggle in my heart during this period.

台長: 匹皮
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: My dream My secret |

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