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2009-11-02 21:30:27| 人氣112| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What life? You will be never regret.

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I live in a very complex environment; most of people want to pursue the power or authority.

My professor is a kind person; he thinks his work is to teach the students how to implement a research and find something you think is worth to spend your lifetime.

He does not want to pursue the fame and wealth, but we can not avoid the malice attack which is come from other professor.

In my opinion, I actually want to hold the power in the past of my life; I can not tolerant of the difference between people.

However, throughout the time pass, I gradually realize such the life is not I want.

Only the dedicated life can give my life a never regret value, I think the game of power pursue is just like a joke.

Because you own more power, it does not represent you can help more people, environments can not have any change, and the society will not have great progress.

When someday I will leave this world, I turn back to my life, even though I am very rich, I will still feel lack of something.

台長: 匹皮
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況) | 個人分類: My dream My secret |
此分類下一篇:Life just needed some change.
此分類上一篇:Research life

2009-11-02 23:28:30
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