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也許這個「很扯」的事件,可以讓我們多反省一下:影片中對伊斯蘭的仇視,極端而毫無理智的反共,對白人(他​稱為歐洲)文化霸權的緬懷崇敬……難道不是很多台灣人,心裡隱藏著的想法嗎? ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-07-27 07:57 | 人氣:1731 | 回應:0
The success of populist parties appealing to a sense of lost national identity has brought criticism of minorities, immigrants and in particular Muslims out of the beer halls a......(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-07-25 08:04 | 人氣:481 | 回應:0

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