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2017-10-07 17:20:29
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2011-11-16 10:49:45
2011-05-21 16:39:01
2012-11-09 22:42:08

A Progressive Surge

Published onThe Nation(http://www.thenation.com)A Progressive SurgeThe Editors | November 7, 2012President Barack Obama speaks during an election night party, Wednesday, November 7, 2012, in Chicago. ...

2012-11-06 20:36:08


(2012.11.6 立法院中興大樓103記者會)在中華民國的法律裡,有誰可以「強押」任何外勞上飛機,攆出國境呢?雇主不能,仲介不行,勞工局無權,甚至警察也不可以這麼做。唯一有權的是移民署,依據移民法與「外國人強制...

2012-11-05 11:20:50

勞委會自廢武功,人權保障大倒退 --勞政單位違法強押移工離境

2012/11/06記者會 採訪通知勞委會自廢武功,人權保障大倒退----勞政單位違法強押移工離境----時間:2012年11月06日(星期二)上午10:00地點:立法院中興大樓103室移工被強迫遣返,在早些年屢見不鮮,勞工申訴、不乖、...

2012-10-02 22:57:29



2012-09-19 10:34:17

The 1 Percent Court

Published onThe Nation(http://www.thenation.com)The 1 Percent CourtBill Moyers and Bernard A. Weisberger | September 12, 2012Why a special issue ofThe Nationdevoted to the Supreme Court? Because with ...

2012-09-19 09:43:00


Participants at a 2011 protest tape their mouths to illustrate what they believe is a 1st Amendment issue involving 11 Muslim demonstrators accused of disrupting a speech by the Israeli ambassador at ...

2012-08-23 19:14:27


Published onThe Nation(http://www.thenation.com)How the Supreme Court Came to Embrace Strip Searches for Trivial OffensesHerman Schwartz | August 16, 2012This past April, the five conservative Supreme...

2012-08-23 10:53:02

The Free Speech Puzzle


2012-08-13 15:30:44


Facebook and the ACLU Say Clicking ‘Like’ Is Free SpeechRead more:http://techland.time.com/2012/08/08/facebook-and-the-aclu-say-clicking-like-is-free-speech/#ixzz23PQKD4Xi NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — Atto...

2012-08-13 15:20:20


latimes.comCalifornia unlikely to meet prison crowding reduction requirementAn early plunge in the prison population to address a court order has leveled off. Federal jurists have asked the state to c...

2012-08-12 10:38:39

The Law and All That Jazz

圖:Alfred C. Aman, Jr. 教授2001年春天在Bloomington的pub這是我的指導教授Alfred C. Aman, Jr.在印第安那大學法學院2002年畢業典禮時,以法學院院長身分所為的演講:法律與爵士樂!法律與音樂似乎是兩種不同的東西...

2012-08-11 18:27:29

Water Damage


2012-08-11 17:42:48



2012-08-09 21:14:45

The GOP War on Voting

The GOP War on VotingIn a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next yearby:Ari BermanA voter casts his ballot during the primar...

2012-08-09 20:13:14

The Court at the Olympics

AUGUST 8, 2012,9:00 PMThe Court at the OlympicsByLINDA GREENHOUSEMany people are celebrating the achievements of American women at the London Olympics, where women exceed men in the number of athletes...

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