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2013-07-21 10:35:49

Taiwan’s Tennis Ace Flirts With China. How Could She? Cash


2013-07-21 10:13:48

Michigan Judge Rules Against Bankruptcy Push

Detroit 的破產聲請,被州法院裁定違反 Michigan 州州憲法(因為這樣的破產,會減少退休人員的退休金),所以被耽擱了。州的司法部長說要上訴,所以還有得瞧。看,人家「減少退休金給付」是被判違憲耶。同樣的事情發...

2013-07-17 19:19:44


這是『臉書時代的網路管教』一書的推薦序。--------------------------------------君子役物,小人役於物 是網路玩你,還是你玩網路? 廖元豪 (國立政治大學法學院副教授) 翻開這本《臉書世代的網...

2013-07-06 12:02:08

More Unfairness Toward Immigrants (非法移民的駕照)

July 2, 2013More Unfairness Toward ImmigrantsByTHE EDITORIAL BOARDOne year ago, the Obama administration declared thatit was halting the deportations of some unauthorized immigrantswho were brought to...

2013-05-30 19:39:55

Gitmo’s Other Prisoner

MAY 29, 2013,9:00 PMGitmo’s Other PrisonerByLINDA GREENHOUSEOn the front page of its Memorial Day weekend edition last Friday, USA Today ranan arresting articleunder the headline: From Boyhood to the...

2013-05-29 11:31:36

Exceptions to Harsh Rules

May 28, 2013Exceptions to Harsh RulesByTHE EDITORIAL BOARDOn Tuesday, the Supreme Court handed down two importantcriminal procedure decisions, both allowing defendants to seek habeas corpus review of ...

2013-05-27 10:10:16

Why Do I Teach?

MAY 22, 2013,11:45 AMWhy Do I Teach?ByGARY GUTTINGAs I wind up another semester of teaching at Notre Dame, I’ve been thinking about what I’m actually accomplishing in the classroom. The standard vie...

2013-05-19 16:06:21

Racism Remains Alive and Well

Racism Remains Alive and WellPatricia J. Williamsis the James L. Dohr professor of law at Columbia University. She writes the column "Diary of a Mad Law Professor," which appears monthly in The Nation...

2013-05-18 16:25:09

Driver’s Seat

Linda Greenhouse居然收到Arizona以「反移民」著稱的 Joe Arpaio之「募款信」:Arpaio快要被罷免了,他需要錢來打選戰。但Greenhouse明明不可能是Arpaio的支持者啊?這個人的募款已經到了這麼無所不用其極亂槍打鳥的...

2013-05-05 18:56:10



2013-04-27 21:52:49

Is American Nonviolent Possible?


2013-04-11 09:21:09


本文的刪節版刊登在聯合報「杯葛陸配入籍,不如海納百川」(2013.4.11)新移民永遠的敵人? 廖元豪 (國立政治大學法學院副教授,移民/移住修法聯盟顧問) 據報載,行政院提出法案,擬修改兩岸條例的規...

2013-03-31 22:12:44

Need a Job? Invent It

March 30, 2013Need a Job? Invent ItByTHOMAS L. FRIEDMANWHEN Tony Wagner, the Harvard education specialist, describes his job today, he says he’s “a translator between two hostile tribes” — the edu...

2013-03-31 09:46:59

Immigrant Detainees and the Right to Counsel

March 30, 2013Immigrant Detainees and the Right to CounselByIAN URBINAandCATHERINE RENTZDO immigrants who are incarcerated while their legal status is resolved deserve a lawyer?On a given day, roughly...

2013-03-26 20:43:40

A Sea Change in Less Than 50 Years as Gay Rights

March 25, 2013A Sea Change in Less Than 50 Years as Gay Rights Gained MomentumByJOHN HARWOODWASHINGTON — The struggle for African-Americans’ rights, symbolized by the bloody 1965 Selma march, is as ...

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