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2004-05-14 23:18:49| 人氣605| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Five Hundred Miles

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She and he were friends
Laughed and hanged around
Spent time with each other
Never felt bored

Together they made a band
She was the singer
He was the drummer
Together they open a road
About five hundred miles

She blushed sometimes
When talked to him
Something changed inside her, she knew
The feeling had strongly grown
She was confusing
In telling or not
The true affection about him

Struggling from time to time
Until the day of his birth
“I thought I might like you”
She softly spoke
He thought for so long and said......
Then the air was frozen

The day when he took her hand
She thought she found love again
But several days had gone away
He became a different man

He left her behind on road
A distant started to stretch between them
He became a mystery
To her in many ways

The band had quickly grown
They got a chance to play their song
The day when they sang on stage
They acted like two good friends
But she hided something that she
Wanted to say

At the time they walked and talked
She told him once again
“I still like you but I know
Something might never change”
He just nodded his head, indifferently
When she walked away
The air was frozen again

Some she lost and some she grew
Sometimes she wondered
If she had felt regret
But the answer early flew in wind
Long long time ago

Nothing left in her dream
But one night she saw him
Passing through the end of the road
Five hundred miles away

台長: 羅拔


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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫) | 個人分類: English Poetry |
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