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2007-12-02 00:10:07| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Kary is a common female first name
and a popular surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).

Meaning: Its source is Aikaterine,
a Greek name meaning "Pure."

Popularity: The name Kary ranked 3124th
in popularity for females of all ages
in a sample of the 1990 US Census.

Though this name appears on the 1990 U.S.Census lists,
it is used by only a small percentage of the general population.

Narrative: This meaning assumes the source name
was derived from the Greek term katharos.
However, it may have evolved from Hecate,
the name of the Greek goddess of magic.
Another possible source is katatein

台長: kary
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