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2009-12-14 05:55:19| 人氣626| 回應0 | 上一篇

Impending Suppression

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I've been suppressed by memories and uncertainty of future, where shall I go and what shall I change, entangling with my mind circuitously. I keep asking and challenging myself: why I can't throw away those painful memories and why I can't go back to the person who haven't been experienced them. Given if the past was so harmful, it is however uneasy to forget and to mitigate them.

Future is uncertainty. Tons of worries are going to squeeze and smash my head. My smile was and is going to dwindle away; melancholy is going to substitute hilarity in my mind. What shall I do and how can I make things the best? Wishing the great holiness guides me the way and usher me to a bright and brilliant future....

台長: Pierce
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