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2008-09-13 04:04:43| 人氣606| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Travail has already been coming on the way

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Almost two month and seventeenth days in the state, there are lots of perspective enhancing in my mind. Met with friends of other countries, experienced their culture entangling with Americans, recognizing how the world so broad and wide--all these are like an American dream which passing by my mind often.

However, everything here is not as easy as you deem; I still encountered tons of troublesome things waiting to be overcame. While I can speak English more fluent and accustom their culture comparing in Taiwan, I cannot aviod racial discrimination to foreginer from Caucasian. Also, a strange and embarassing thing is that even though Africa Americans is so-called a ”suppressed” race, some of them show some egonism to Asian as well as Caucasian did on them.
The new challange is impending-new semester will begin in next week-to confront as a whole novel thing I have never experienced prior to; I could see the difference between being an undergraduate and graduate in my country--in same language and background system. Nonetheless, though there is no such ”big” distinction amid these two degree in TW, it has apparent diversity for US educational system. To be a graduate here, you have to promote and enhance by yourself and you cannot count on somebody will give you a hand when being difficulty. That is, you must be independent yourself and force sturdy and resistant. It is the reason why old people consider studying aboard as a training of one’s life--to be a steady person with knowledge and daring.

But, in my mind, I do literally think of Asians are too idolized Americans and America dream. It is not so fanciful as usual that due to the fact of economical collapse and war affair. Bush Administration put too much troops and subsidies in Iraq. Indeed, war sometimes can make a country evoking their economy, but if setting too much resources in will retrograde its finacial status and bring up some side-effect which can hardly predict foremost. Thus, by seeing the public address from Barrack Obama from broadcasting, I can see hundreds of people were there to support the guy--it is not only to backup the democratic but the ”change”. They do need change and opportunity now and urgent; however, if American still long for being the boss of the world, nothing changed here as usual.

台長: Pierce
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