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2009-07-17 03:20:24| 人氣631| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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It's been a long while I do not post up any thought of mine....

I am recently through a heartbreak moment. Some said if you were ever being through a sadness/sorrow, you will begin to cherish anything that comes up to your front. So did love affair. When it went through, you will just know how sweet and fascinating you were in.

Things do not fulfill your expect everytime; you will do something that always makes you feeling of regret when recalling it. Therefore, you will begin to know how a truth is important that "to think carefully before you plan to do." It is however you cannot predict what you're gonna do when feeling of anger or depressed, the only fense you have is to calm down as possible as you can.

Thanks God. Although I did something I regrest so much, I learned a lot of from this lesson. Farewell, my love. Sorry for the stupid things I did. I still hope you will be happy again and God will bring you back to me, though I know it is supposed to be an impossibility...

I will still say...I love you...

台長: Pierce
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