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2009-12-11 05:34:26| 人氣568| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

almost two third way to go...

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Barely posting up myself, I am just being a person who had been draggled in nightmare and is awakened by pal's invocation.

Daydream is merely like meanderous road, circulating your mind on and on. Some people like daylight in that they see through brightness and hope from; others deem as the way to enlighten their life.

Nightmare is actually as well as hatred. Most people wish to ignore and give away since it is easy to ruin their life. I gesture my tumb up to send my regrads. If anyone has been in kind of life as well, I doubt how you can wake up from it without admonishment from colleagues. However, I survived.

Two third way in the portion of my current career means the time to change to next step is just on the corner. Transcending the cuff of love afair and the bind of memories, I will be surfing with my yacht of life on the stream of advantages no matter how many predicaments will be confronted on me. Even if the thing will be like that, it will be alright eventually because I will survive.

台長: Pierce
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