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2004-07-20 20:52:01| 人氣76| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Feeling Sad Without A Suitable Reason

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First, I want to apologize to my Best Friend for my Silly behavior the day before yesterday, because I put him on ignore. In fact, I was writing something to him and this is what I'm going to send him within the next parcel, but I didn't tell him what I was exactly busy with. If I had told him, he might have responded this again "busy busy busy busy shan".

Secondly, he's Always busy playing with his new mobile P900, and I don't want to disturb his interests, so I didn't reply or answer immediately. I think he might know about this. Anyway, it's considerate of me not to deprive one of his favorite leisure right now.

Thirdly, I am usually wondering and Thinking about my future, my life, my abilities, and so on. What actually should I handle with my life? I'm going to be a freshman sooner or later, and I thought I may be mature enough to confront my situation, but it's not ture. Practically, I get cold feet and don't understand how to deal with anything at this moment. I have no one that I want to talk about my emotions with, even my best friends, for I don't want to spread my sad or melancholy feelings with any of them; I don't want them to feel worried about me.

Also, I feel tired of being insincere in front of the people I work with. Even though sometimes it may be necessary to do such a hollor-hearted thing, I feel bad about it. So I don't really open my hearts at work; that is, I don't share lots of my personal details or things with them, because I think it's worthless to tell them much, for I'm just doing part-time, and I'm about to quit the boring job Quickly. However, I feel very sad lately, but I don't really know Why? Maybe I should keep asking myself the reasons or just let go---Do not think too much!

Well...talk about one thing that made me happy today then---my cousin came back and she took me to buy clothes. I bought 2 skirts, 1 shirt, and a pair of shoes, as well as a head accessory. I felt kinda delighted about this and thanks a lot to my dear cousin. Anyway, I guess my Best Friend might still be mad at my attitude and he may not get on tonight, so I'm off---to sleep and hope I can dream of something nice. Ciao!

台長: 尚未設定
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