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Facebook and Security


Facebook and Security

Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004, owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. As of September 2012, Facebook has over one billion active users,more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.还有Facebook-Like for example Tencent QQ, generally referred to as QQ, is a free instant messaging computer program in China. As of 30 September 2011, there were 711.7 million active user accounts for QQ IM,. The number of simultaneous online QQ accounts exceeded 100 million. In February 2011, QQ.com ranked 10th overall in the Alexa Internet(Alexa Internet, Inc. is a California-based subsidiary company of Amazon.com that is known for its toolbar and website. Alexa provides traffic data, global rankings and other information on thousands of websites, and claims that 6 million people visit its website monthly.) rankings just behind Twitter.

Facebook Messages

On November 15, 2010, Facebook announced a new "Facebook Messages" service. In a media event that day, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, "It's true that people will be able to have an @facebook.com email addresses, but it's not email". The launch of such a feature had been anticipated for some time before the announcement, with some calling it a "Gmail killer". The system, to be available to all of the website's users, combines text messaging, instant messaging, emails, and regular messages, and will include privacy settings similar to those of other Facebook services. Codenamed "Project Titan", Facebook Messages took 15 months to develop.

In February 2011, Facebook began to use the hCalendar microformat to mark up events, and the hCard microformat for the events' venues, enabling the extraction of details to users' own calendar or mapping applications.

Voice Calls

Since April 2011 Facebook users have had the ability to make live voice calls via Facebook Chat, allowing users to chat with others from all over the world. This feature, which is provided free through T-Mobile's new Bobsled service, lets the user add voice to the current Facebook Chat as well as leave voice messages on Facebook.

Video Calling

On July 6, 2011, Facebook launched its video calling services using Skype as its technology partner. It allows one to one calling using a Skype Rest API.

Facebook Subscribe

On September 14, 2011, Facebook launched a Subscribe button. The feature allows for users to follow public updates, and these are the people most often broadcasting their ideas. There were major modifications that the site released on September 22, 2011.

As reported by TechCrunch on February 15, 2012, Facebook is introducing ‘Verified Account’ concept like that of Twitter & Google+. Though as of March 3, 2012, verified accounts don’t get any badges or denotations, but such accounts will get more priority in ‘Subscription Suggestions’ of Facebook.

On March 6, 2012, Facebook officially launched Messenger for Windows, which gives users of Windows 7 access to some Facebook services without using a web browser.

现在的大楼不管是住家还是商办,都有Security System.目前的做法都是,装一些Monitors然后再派一些大多是老弱残兵的驻卫警.如此的System只能说聊备一格.当然有些还另外设定了Sensor,一但有异常会自动通报警察机关或负责Security Company.但这些也常被老鼠和一些外界的其他因素干扰而误报.

我现在突然想到,透过Internet and Facebook or Facebook-Like来做Security是很适合的.首先所有的Monitors都要能由Internet来Contorl和监看.如此负责Security的人士就可透过手机随时随地监看所有Monitors所能照到的地方.而且也能控制储存影像的Hard Disk,随时调阅过去任何时段的影像.

所以一定要想办法将Smart Phone当作目前Office里的Desktop来用.当然不止于Security.而且除非必要无需拨号浪费电话钱,随时要连上Mobile Internet.将必要的Software从APP Store中Down Load.也要善用Cloud Computing.毕竟甚么东西上了天,就一定比地上爬的,水里游得快.

Facebook的一大特点是可以将一羣互相加为好友的Group的任何information包括:Text message,Graphics,Pictures and Video立即同步更新. appears on every user's homepage and highlights information including profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays of the user's friends.还有instant messengers.

emai ,live voice calls, video calling services using Skype.

所以Security Company or Security Department可以组织Facebook Team.现场驻卫警也要有能连上Facebook的Device.所有有关Security的状况,全部PO到Facebook.所有该如何处理的Instructions也都以Facebook发布.不管Monitor怎么布置必有死角,所以在这些死角都要装Sensor.这些死角一有异常就会立即发出警告讯息到Facebook.现场驻卫警就要去巡查并回报到Facebook.

Management by Exception is a policy by which management devotes its time to investigating only those situations in which actual results differ significantly from planned results.现今布置在世界上任何角落的Monitors可以说99.99%都在白摄.因为几乎没有人会去看,就算看大多也没结果.我上次在”爱买”大卖场前丢了辆Bicycle.我报了警去调阅Monitor,结果有看到我确实把车骑进去,却看不到谁把车偷走.那辆车有公司Mark所以我强烈怀疑是伍佰所为,不过真是他也够厉害,知道Monitors死角何在?

所以我认为在一些至关重要地点,要装Exception of Monitor.而且Resolution要特别高还要有红外线功能(就是在光线不足时也能很清楚地摄出影像)但平时是不拍摄的.只有异常出现时才自动启动,并发出讯息给Facebook.比方说晚上几点后, Office该是一片漆黑为何灯会亮?或者放高级车的地方,平时都是几点以后就会有车,怎么过时仍无车?


台長: Peter
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