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雲子修原創作品 文章數:10
八月微寒,雨打窗。 廚娘烹梨,心掛夫兒。 父子江邊垂釣樂融融,不見溼雨。 天邊烏雲漸近,幸小廟不遠。 父子... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-08-24 03:02:31 | 回應:0
姓名:雲子修 職業:心靈麫包師 Baker for Your Soul 工作內容:專烤獨家麫包給有缘人吃 歡迎! (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-08-17 15:37:09 | 回應:0
* 作品:“浪” 英文:“Surfing on the waves of Life, what a blast!” “人生... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-08-14 20:44:13 | 回應:0
-- by F. Björkström (Yun) * Noelle came out of the gym with high spirits, her cheeks were glo... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-08-14 02:35:19 | 回應:0
* 5:35 in the afternoon, Mandy had arrived in this college town for just half an hour. She flew from Stock... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-08-05 20:06:15 | 回應:0
您好,我是 Chinese Calligraphy Master of Art (CCMOA) 的雲子修。在此分享一幅我創作的作品,標題為《對話》&ld... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-07-27 20:42:15 | 回應:0
* https://soundcloud.com/lifeisnotabook/so-sweet-is-the-rain(<-- 請點擊聆聽 -- 連結到 SoundCloud 頁面後... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-07-19 19:51:13 | 回應:0
Every day, I wait for this moment. You probably have never noticed, that I just so enjoy when we ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-07-16 12:26:56 | 回應:0
Chinese Calligraphy Master of Art Our store: www.ccmoa.se Title: Sing/Song 歌 Life, is a song, a rich... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-07-11 18:03:36 | 回應:0
You Started to Dance with me in the Deepest Dream. Your waist flowed into my arms Slippery as ... (詳全文)
發表時間:2024-07-11 12:22:20 | 回應:0
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