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2019-04-29 00:04:24| 人氣76| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Foodpanda attacked Tainan

The busy pace of life for modern people has allowed the delivery market to expand year by year. Looking at the delivery business opportunities, the food delivery platform foodpanda announced that it has entered the Tainan, which is known as the capital of food, and has reached the top of the industry in eight cities.

This is the second time that foodpanda has entered the South Taiwan market since Kaohsiung opened the district. According to the platform data, Kaohsiung has experienced an average annual growth rate of 300% since its opening. Tainan City, the second largest city in South Taiwan, has huge market opportunities and is a “food capital”. The specialty snacks are also popular among hackers and are expected to drive a new wave of business opportunities.

tainan food https://www.food3c.com.tw/

台長: akane
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