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2019-04-27 02:34:14| 人氣65| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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The annual Wenchuang/IP event Civil Fair

Two days before the exhibition, only professionals were allowed to change their licenses, and the general public was invited to visit the next three days. The exhibition area of ​​Songshan Wenchuang is mainly based on the design of domestic and foreign crafts. The exhibition area of ​​Huabo Zhengyan is mainly based on original/illustrator/image authorized IP.
According to the data released by Line recently, the authors who participated in the mapping creation in 2018 have doubled to 290,000, and the total number of textures has reached 3.6 million, which is nearly 6 times more than the previous year, 70% of which are Amateur creator

taipei exhibition https://www.taipeifoods.com.tw/

台長: akane
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