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2005-06-03 20:15:27| 人氣31| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My job is to shatter that dream

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"Every kid who has dreamed of being a baseball player has stood in his front yard with a bat and said to himself, "Bottom of the ninth, Game 7 of the World Series, the bases are loaded," and then envisioned hitting a home run to win the game. My job is to shatter that dream."

---以上文字摘自 ESPN 網站 Street Talk 於 June 2, 2005, 12:10 PM ET 所刊載的Handling the 'pressure' of the ninth inning 一文

不知道 Huston Street 未來會不會成為一個明星球員,但目前的我卻對他所說的這段話讚嘆不已。希望說出這段話的他,在未來能成為一個令我感動的選手。

台長: 齊格飛
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