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2007-04-24 15:20:04

new space, new blog

Friends, I have a new blog, visit it and give me comments!! http://www.xanga.com/iny420 i will always have my updates there....

2007-04-19 11:06:58


今早 2.23am 我親愛的婆婆走了... 點解醫生 2.24am 先叫我地入深切治療室?? 點解唔俾我地見佢最後一面喎.... 佢只係 66 歲...一生命苦... 婆婆...您而家去左邊呀? p.s. 多謝您地既支持..禱告..鼓勵.....

2007-04-17 11:40:04

婆婆就唻唔得... =(

婆婆既情況好嚴重 醫生叫我地有定心理準備 mummy 同 妹妹琴日係新加坡返唻.. 終於返唻喇.... 不過今次返得好唔開心 琴晚我地一定人, 我,公公,細佬,舅父, 媽咪, 妹妹一齊去 ICU 探婆婆 我地大家都好傷心 見...

2007-03-20 18:07:30


琴日放學同林 sir + 一個家長傾左好耐 then 差唔多 7:00pm 我公公打唻話婆婆好危險.. 我即刻衝上鏡湖深切治療部 見到婆婆訓係床上...送入手術室 公公話婆婆不停叫我同細佬,我媽咪同我舅父,我阿太個名 ...

2007-03-14 17:23:45

xanga blog

我而家開左個 xanga blog account 會多 d 係個到打日記 visit and leave comments: http://www.xanga.com/iny420

2007-03-06 08:43:33

Do I need a doctor?

A person with bipolar disorder tends to experience more extreme states of mood than other people, moods which can change quickly (many times a day) or last for months. Mood patterns of this nature are...

2007-03-06 08:38:56

dark nights are better? or light days?

I used to prefer dark nights to light days but these days... I prefer light days... Do I have emotional disorder especially in night times? I wonder...

2007-03-02 10:41:24
2007-03-01 10:43:16

i hate being a girl...

when i have menstrual cramp ... i hate being a girl! =( and now, i hate being a girl again =(

2007-02-27 09:14:38


決定好了 唯有繼續向前行 use my limited life / time to face the unlimited challenges~

2007-02-27 09:12:44

近期最想睇 3 套電視

i really love watching film~ ^^ 而家最想睇係 冧歌有情人(Music And Lyrics) 莎樂的神奇網網(Charlotte’s Web) 同埋就上畫既 Mr. Bean’s Holiday

2007-02-27 09:10:33


多謝之前個篇五位好友既留言,鼓勵..我而家好好多,放完假,recharge左電..continue 回復工作..”我會做好呢份工”..放心.我冇事!! 而且我新年假期間睇左三套好電影..所以好開心 they are: 門徒(Protege) - 雖然有...

2007-02-06 12:08:33


做老師真係好難 無論我做咩都唔岩 我知我好難控制人地個個都鐘意我,滿意我 但最少都識尊重吓我掛 我始終係一個老師 想我點呀 我自問已經好鍚我既學生 我自問對佢地做既野都係為佢地好 做好人唔係 做衰人...

2007-02-06 08:41:09

教書?? ...心淡..失望...

我真係唔識教書 (+ 唔識教人) 可能係我唔適合 真係心灰意冷 係咪入錯行 係時候唸清楚 跳返出唻 呢 d 唔係我想要既野 好心淡 好失望

2007-02-05 15:39:42

two good movies

i watched two movies recently.. quite enjoyable~~!!! Happy Birthday and The Holiday ^^

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