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2007-02-05 15:31:02

Hokkaido + Kitty + Lavender + purple

wow....crossover... i’d love them all.. Hokkaido + Hello Kitty + Lavender + Purple http://vikichan.freeservers.com/hello_kitty.htm

2007-02-05 15:10:54

kitty ipod

really wanna got one..... *o* where can i get that? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for the perfect complement to your limited-edition Neon Genesis E...

2007-02-05 11:16:22


I’ve attended Joanne & Wakit’s wedding on the 21st Jan. For more photos, please refer to my photo album which is shown on the right hand column of this website.

2007-01-31 12:17:38

oh My...

i’m really tired and exhausted every day wanna relieve and relax a bit more coffee.....sleepless nights.....bad appetite....stomachache....menstral cramp...... oh..my...

2007-01-25 08:55:09


  新華網5月21日消息 美國《發現》月刊5月號發表文章,談科學家在破解愛情的秘密。這篇文章說: 生理學告訴我們,像所有情感一樣,愛源于大腦。我們感受到愛的激情,是因為大腦中特定的神經化學體系讓我們產...

2007-01-23 17:20:09


歌手:蔡依林, 陶喆 | 作曲:陶喆 填詞:陶喆/娃娃 | 編曲:陶喆 春暖的花開 帶走冬天的感傷 微風吹來浪漫的氣息 每一首情歌 忽然充滿意義 我就在此刻突然見到妳 春暖的花香 帶走冬天的淒寒 微風吹來意...

2007-01-23 17:18:47

Love Paradise

Love Paradise  You’re always on my mind  你一直都在我的腦海裡  All day just all the time  無時無刻分分秒秒  You’re everything to me  你是我的一切  Brightest star to let me see  是我...

2007-01-23 08:46:19

morning talk on thurs

i have to give a morning mini talk of 10 mins on Thursday.. hyper nervous~ i have to talk and talk in front of 700 and so secondary students in the morning assembly i can’t imagine how trembling i...

2007-01-15 11:21:07

i love u all

i love u all but sometimes...i’m sorry...i failed to love u all completely

2007-01-12 11:11:55

Did God Create Evil?

Hey, I thought this was very interesting, so please read: As you read this, I challenge you to really let it’s meaning sink in. This eloquently answers one of the profound questions of life. ...

2007-01-11 11:15:46


pressures + nightmare !!!

2007-01-11 11:11:56

i failed...

to be a teacher is difficult to be a good teacher is more difficult i failed to be one ...

2006-12-21 18:48:49

pic with F5C

this is one of my beloved classes - F5C i love them all~! the white jacket that i’m wearing is designed by them, cool, huh? (there is also my name and birthday date on it, haha!!) p.s. hey, m...

2006-12-12 09:32:28

Chinese Names - Annie Wan (Anyone)

Chinese Names - Annie Wan (Anyone) Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)? Operator : Yes, you can speak to me. Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)! Operator : ...

2006-12-06 17:19:03


6-12-06 終於登晒分 不過未入學生操行同評語 今晚返屋企好好唸下點寫學生評語先 最近真係好辛苦 改卷改到傻左 計分計到暈晒 真係好想快 d 放假 好好過一日溫馨既聖誕節 媽咪,妹妹同daddy由新加坡返...

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