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2006-05-24 18:15:35

給快樂的 Iny - from Tammy

Iny, 係咪好surprise呢?係呀係我呀,譚美呀~啱啱去完你新聞台,睇到一d事,亦都想起一d事,想寫俾你,但又怕醜唔敢打俾你,所以就用最原始ge方法~~ 讀完你「見見媽咪」篇文,坦白講,我都覺得有d酸,雖然我...

2006-05-23 19:17:13

豬 扒

「 其 實 豬 扒 有 甚 麼 不 好 ? 」 三 叔 問 。 「 甚 麼 好 不 好 ? 」 我 不 明 白 他 的 意 思 。 「 為 甚 麼 人 們 把 不 美 麗 的 女 人 稱 呼 為 豬 扒 ? 」 三 叔 再 問 。 我 也 不 清 楚...

2006-05-23 19:13:34


有人話香港 / 澳門的惡女人特別多,想知自己是惡女人嗎? 來測試吧! p.s. 我係 E 型,您呢??=) (我其實都好惡吓,點會E呢?哈哈!) -------------------------------------------------------------...

2006-05-23 16:29:23


媽咪琴日 send sms 俾我,佢話下個月會由新加坡跟團唻澳門同香港,去香港兩日一夜,係澳門住酒店一晚,then 返屋企住三晚..我收到個 message 後就打俾佢,問佢做咩跟團...佢話妹妹好想去香港玩,咁咪跟團 lor..我有 d 唔開...

2006-05-23 15:54:49


星期六早上收到愛國學校既電話 (同 koko 一樣 lor,哈哈) 佢地問我有冇寄信去求職...我話冇... 好似令到個個人好瘀..anyway...我又唔想講大話...咁我真係冇 ma... 佢就問我搵到學校未,我話搵左喇...仲簽左. 我唸係...

2006-05-22 11:39:37

祝您幸福快樂 ^^

星期六晚參加了學生的唱 k 生日 party 當中發生了一些不開心的事..一些關於她家庭的事 我們陪了她一整晚..因為實在很擔心她 在她家裡也陪了她很久..傾談了很多她的事,我自己的過去,她們同學的事... 我很勇敢地向...

2006-05-20 10:42:16

website of Games & Activities for the ESL/EFL Classroom

This is a website of Games & Activities for the ESL/EFL Classroom: http://iteslj.org/c/games.html which I found very useful and the games are really interesting!! Hope that they add more fun t...

2006-05-19 18:44:56


放過他們吧~ 人地結唔結婚...又點? 做明星真係慘... 希望仔仔同大S 幸福 唔會因為傳媒搞到唔開心~ 支持您地呀~!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 大S 也想結婚 想...

2006-05-19 18:18:25

Happy Birthday Kaka~!!

今日係我既乖學生~ kaka 既生日!! 生日快樂,希望您一年乖過一年,靚女過一年,叻過一年~!! miss iny 希望您成日都笑得咁開心~!! 多謝您邀請我去您聽晚既生日 party...唱 k..哈哈, miss 都好耐冇唱 k 喇~! 希望聽晚...

2006-05-18 18:34:32

a touching song - There’s a New World Somewhere

Elsa recommended this wonderful song, so touching~ Thanks Elsa for your sharing!! Really, I can’t find another one that loves me like GOD does~!! There’s a New World Somewhere There’s a new w...

2006-05-16 19:32:41

MSN with my student - Kaka

I chatted with my Fatima student today, her name is Kaka....haha, she told me that I’m very cool in class....oh My God...am i really that cool?? I will try to change...actually sometimes my students ...

2006-05-16 14:16:49

we are so lucky~

I have a colleague (teacher) in Fatima, she’s called Esther Graham, she is a New Zealander, a Christian... she will go back NZ in this summer...luckily, she also lives in Auckland (the largest city i...

2006-05-15 19:12:28


copied from: 楊丞琳的戀戀日記--一個人也很好--跟自己戀愛! http://blog.yam.com/rainie/ 這篇文章令我有好大共鳴~!! i love you..丞琳~!! 愛情, 確實會帶給人好心情、好氣色, 但是, 相對的, 也會帶來煩惱與...

2006-05-15 11:45:06

Mother’s Day 06

Dear friends, how did you celebrate with your mom yesterday? Though my dear mummy is in Singapore, I don’t feel sad, as I know she is living happily with my step-father and my little step-sister C...

2006-05-15 11:28:44

good news around

the following piece was quoted from kaka’s blog and edited a bit by me! good news from my dearest frds!!! Bravo! some good news from my frds! last friday was the lucky draw day for the Ne...

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