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2006-12-06 17:12:06

衛蘭 - 離家出走

衛蘭 - 離家出走 作曲 : 雷頌德|填詞 : |編曲 : |監製 : 雷頌德 豁出去漫遊 不通知親友 那快感少有 那管想去多久 好得你未夠 於這裡悶透 才誓死跟你逛盡地球 何必每件壯舉都需要理由 伴你去出走...

2006-12-06 00:56:42

i love teaching

i love teaching most only that sometimes i really get tired and frustrated because of it... pic with my two beloved F5 students, Anton and Karen~!

2006-11-28 09:23:59


最近其實開心左好多 雖然發生左好多事...有開心既,有難過既 不過我會好好面對每一日 上好我每一日既課 開開心心過每一日 好好珍惜每一日 大家唔駛擔心 任何 choice 都係我 make 既 我會好好負責 對人負責...

2006-11-16 20:05:24


點解我做咩都好似唔岩咁... 想我點呀....真係好想放棄 我係咪選擇錯左.. 好迷茫 =( 已經好多晚冇覺好訓..好辛苦..好 sick~

2006-11-13 14:42:24

crazy week

i have to check all the test papers this week... though it’s a bit impossible i have to strive hard for the coming exam my students will have their exam starting from next monday, so it’s bette...

2006-11-07 23:02:52

the 1st exam is coming

struggling between making the exam papers and checking papers... OH MY GOD....can i really finish all of them on time, before the exam date? the exam date is 20 Nov to 27 Nov Work hard and study ha...

2006-11-06 02:03:39

crazy workload~

after the two-day bazaar, i have to go back to the real world of crazy workload, tons of papers to check, test and exam papers to make and books to read and prepare.....oh MY GOD~ really need more hol...

2006-11-04 13:24:05

The Devil wears Prada

a film i watched recently...quite meaningful and educational~!! A delightfully dishy novel about the all-time most impossible boss in the history of impossible bosses.   Andrea Sachs, a sma...

2006-11-04 12:26:37

a trip i took - 27/10/06

i had a big and happy trip with my students on the 27th Oct, it was very remarkable and unforgettable. We had lots of fun on the coach and in the different spots, though we got nothing special to play...

2006-11-04 12:16:54


為何做什麼都得不到學生們的認同 為了調位的事,我知我令到很多學生不高興...但我很難令到個個都開心 很難做到百合百的公平哦 我也是為了課室管理..才會有這些安排 希望下次會令多些學生高興 我也是很難做的

2006-10-27 02:02:48


正因為人生有許多的風雨和多變,才讓我們有所成長和不虛此生, 每個人的命運和生命軌跡都不同,有的坎坷,有的平順, 但只要確定了前行的目標,就要勇敢向前奔去, 路邊的風景也一樣的美麗,同樣可以漸入佳境 -- ...

2006-10-23 13:33:36

sick again >.<

sigh~ i got sick again..serious cough and sore throat plus headache =( i went to the doctor yesterday, got an injection again...so painful, i’m really afraid of taking injection, but I want to get w...

2006-10-21 21:45:55

my info ^^

Full name (Chinese): 朱燕妮 Chu In Nei English name: Iny Chu Religion: Christianity Which school do you go to: Primary and Secondary: Sacred Heart Canossian College - SHCC (English Section), Unive...

2006-10-21 01:40:25


做左(真)老師兩個月..為學生喊左兩次~ 我本身係一個唔易喊既人..算係一個幾堅強既人..外剛內柔個隻~! 不過我都估唔到,而家會為學生咁眼淺~ 我會 continue 努力..令眼淚減少..更多笑容~! i love all my students~...

2006-10-21 01:19:33

good volleyball match

it seems that all the bad and unhappy things have passed... good beginning for the happy and sunny day =) I have ethics lesson with my class today, love affairs again, and very long history of min...

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