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2006-09-03 14:33:52


我知道很多人很愛鍚我 對我很好 很關心我 但我不是大家想像中那麼好 我不是一個好女孩子 我不值得大家的愛鍚 我不值得大家對我好 我也愈來愈不喜歡自己了 請不要對我太好 最近我身邊多了一些 "很好" 的朋友...

2006-09-02 17:01:54

my brief updates + Macau beautiful pics

To all my dearest friends, This is Iny (from Macau), I know some of you have never been to my hometown - Macau, so I would like to show you this website: http://www.fotoc.com/studio/dado/macau/Ma...

2006-09-02 01:15:31

而家心情好亂 好想靜下 好想專心教書 唔想再唔開心 唔想唸太多

2006-09-01 23:02:24

good friends that i met in NZ

Kaoru and Me~Makoto, Marco, Kaoru and TakashiTaka, me and TomokoAzusa and me

2006-09-01 22:35:57

my first teaching day - 01/09/06

yea...it is my first big day today ~ MY FIRST TEACHING DAY in PHC~ i couldn’t sleep so well last night, because of nervousness,i had an insomnia..poor me! this morning, i got up very early, at 7,...

2006-09-01 21:03:35


actually i have been sick for few days ~ serious sore throat!! i couldn’t speak loud for i have a real soft plus weak voice, therefore i went to the doctor yesterday, haha, in the beginning, the doc...

2006-08-25 23:41:53

my first general meeting in PHC ^^

I had so much sleep these days, 10 hours last night and 8 the other nights...so i find it extremely hard to sleep early tonight, actually i still have to wake up early tomorrow morning for the meeting...

2006-08-24 22:00:38


[轉帖]戀愛中令女孩擔憂的事 愛情是甜密的 , 不要因為一些小事而傷害雙方的感情 " 應該互相信任喔 " 希望以下的文章會幫到你 " 戀愛中令女孩擔憂的事 1) 講電話不專心 在非正式的調查中發現,男生其...

2006-08-24 01:50:59

real Iny - 我是我

我係一個敢愛敢恨既人 但有時又好怕太愛太恨一個人 我係一個拎得起放得低既人...好快就冇事...回覆原氣既人 我每次拍拖都好認真..冇唸過玩.. 但每次都有 d 意外令我唔可以好好享受個份感情 其實真係好 tired......

2006-08-23 13:44:13

funny English - 自由女神像

若干年前,大陸一位老兄到紐約公幹。工作之餘,也打算休息休息,看看風景名勝。為此他查了大量的資料,做了充分的準備。眾多名勝之一,就有自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)。為了確保能夠到達仰慕已久的地方,他甚至把負責自...

2006-08-21 21:06:40

some photos in NZ

am i drunk? (in a pub with Tuna and Thomas, a cute Swiss guy!)all the cute and good friends with me~ Tracy, Tuna, Mandy, Sally with me~!my classmates and teacher (we are in Level 8 class!)in my homest...

2006-08-21 16:26:12



2006-08-21 16:21:28

oh my God~

i didn’t turn up here much because i got menstruation pain these few days...very painful, tired and emotional all the time have been cried on phones for two times in this week. struggling on how ...

2006-08-20 21:18:12

免費 易經 愛情測驗

個分析結果真係唔睇過都唔知原來有 D 咁玄o既結果~ http://event.mail.163.com/love/?id=425513 想知你同佢係"緣"定係"完", 就快 D click啦~

2006-08-16 20:35:42

一定要見下 d 朋友仔

我係一個冇朋友心既人 個個都話我對人好 不過我覺得我 d 好朋友就真係對我好就真.. 佢地一有時間就搵我 係我成日忙,或者拍拖推晒佢地 不過今個暑假我一定要好好見下佢地 人大左,覺得朋友愈來愈緊要 我係一個...

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