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Neutral TMOs set for The Rugby Championship

本文譯自(IRB.COM)201378 譯者辛久銘於林口

圖:  IRB 主席 Bernard Lapasset 說中立電視裁判政策,強調公正完整性,同時減少扮演這份重大角色工作者的壓力.

IRB( the International Rugby Board)公佈從8月舉行測試賽(test matches),開始指派第3囯籍中立電視裁判(Neutral television match officials簡稱TMOs) .

817在雪梨舉行橄欖球冠軍賽(The Rugby Championship )
首次登場(Debuting). 澳洲對紐西蘭這場比賽由指派非相關兩隊第3國中立(all be independent of the two participating Unions))的四位裁判(裁判員,兩位助理裁判員,和電視裁判員

目前政策規定國際測試賽對裁判員和助理裁判有第3國中立選擇,但沒有規定 TMO, 承認全球性比賽有地理性和經濟性的挑戰

然而TMO職責,在試驗規則基礎上有擴大權限,可以重播達陣得分前2 (rucks mauls)和暴行潛在的危險動作( potential acts of foul play), IRB承諾擴大重播裁判員執行這重要事關達陣得分關鍵的範圍
(an extensive review of this important area of match officiating).

(The full list of match officials can be found here.)

主席 Bernard Lapasset: “國際橄欖球是我們的櫥窗.我們要不斷與橄欖球強國(major Rugby stakeholders)合作,進行投資,提供在比賽展示櫥窗裡扮演最佳導演比賽裁判員.”

這個有里程碑意義的政策修正,是借助增加職責(the additional responsibilities)TMO角色全面性和詳細細節的結果,當在國際比賽,TMO擴大他的權限(extended powers),包括暴行潛在的危險動作的重播回顧在內(reviewing potential acts of foul play),使試驗規則更趨完美的結局
(the trial implementation ).”

中立政策更加一步強化完整性和減輕擔任這重大角色工作人員的壓力,如此確信我們繼續提升和指派測試賽(test matches)真正符合我們最佳TMO. ”

Neutral TMOs set for The Rugby Championship

(IRB.COM) Monday 8 July 2013

IRB Chairman Bernard Lapasset says the neutral TMO policy enhances integrity and reduces pressure on the person tasked with this important role

Neutral television match officials (TMOs) will be appointed to test matches from August, the International Rugby Board has announced.

Debuting with Australia versus New Zealand in The Rugby Championship in Sydney on August 17, the team of four match officials appointed by the IRB will all be independent of the two participating Unions.

Current policy stipulates neutral selections for referees and assistant referees for test matches but not the TMO, recognising geographical and economic challenges of a global Game.

However, with TMO responsibilities having been extended on a trial basis to review up to two phases (rucks or mauls) before the ball is grounded in the act of scoring and potential acts of foul play, the IRB undertook an extensive review of this important area of match officiating.

The full list of match officials can be found

IRB Chairman Bernard Lapasset said: “International Rugby is our shop window and it is important that we constantly collaborate with major Rugby stakeholders to invest in and deliver best-practice officiating for the Game’s showcase events.”

“This landmark policy change is a result of a holistic and detailed review of the TMO role in light of the additional responsibilities as a result of the trial implementation of extended powers of the TMO in international Rugby, including reviewing potential acts of foul play.”

“The neutral policy further enhances integrity and reduces pressure on the person tasked with this important role while ensuring that we continue to promote and appoint our very best TMOs to test matches."



SANZAR drops Pollock

圖:紐西蘭頭號裁判員Chris Pollock

Chris Pollock,
紐西蘭頭號裁判員(No.1 referee),在超級杯季後賽(Super Rugby play-offs)不被SANZAU聘用,因為失去裁判型式(loss of form.)

Pollock,他因為受傷離球場一段長時間.他在622主審第一場雄獅隊對澳洲測試賽 (Wallaby-B&I Lions Test),而被評審員評定表現在水平之下( underperforming) .因此在本周末在坎培拉舉行澳洲野馬隊對南非獵豹,他被略去(Drop),由同國籍第3國中立裁判Glen Jackson擔任.


前全黑隊10號飛鋒國手退休.當裁判國際知名裁判當今只有2位,另一位愛爾蘭Alain Rolland 9號傳鋒,2011世界杯決賽.



譯者本人全國運動會--過去稱省運會第23 24 25屆冠軍,台南市傳鋒.45歲時就裁判退休.

不知當今全國裁判長,規則主委和現今裁判先生,過去球員經歷是否赫赫有名?球都打不好,體適能(Fitness)不佳,可想而知,當然跟不上.狀況判斷(Decision-making) 規則應用不迅速,誤判(errors)就產生.




Lyndon Bray,他是SANZAR裁判長( game manager),他的職責(a portfolio) 包括裁判法( refereeing),認定略去不用Pollock, 因他失去裁判應有的型式( Pollock's dropping for loss of form),但他又補充說: "Chris 是決賽人選五位候選人之一."

另外4 Craig Joubert (南非) Jaco Peyper(南非), Steve Walsh(澳洲)  Glen Jackson(紐西蘭)考慮可能在準決賽和決賽(semifinals and final ), s 現在沒有機會證實 Pollock他是個有水平以上可接受裁判員( an acceptable standard)..


有一種推測 Pollock把紐西蘭藍隊(Blues)翼側前鋒( flank )Kane Barrett 紅牌離場(sending off), 歸罪於他的解雇( axing).

紅牌離場使藍隊以14人奮戰十字軍失敗主因,引起藍隊教練John Kirwan (前日本義大利總教練87世界杯第1個達陣者)嚎哮(an outcry ).  還有澳洲瓦拉塔隊(Waratahs)教練Michael Cheika ,以及南非暴風雨隊(Stormers)教練 Allister Coetzee附和,像合唱團(an chorus)嗆聲, 3隊未能進入季後賽(missed the play-offs ).


Bray: "Chris 略去不用,並不是本周六晚.但很明顯決定裁判員聘用部分,我想Chris他熬過艱困過去一個月."

"型式(The form)是裁判員一部分.當我們觀看裁判執法型式( form),和他在球場明顯地自信程度(confidence levels), 你在大比賽場面像決賽(like finals)執法帶進那一類型式(what sort of form).

"其次我們也考慮裁判員經驗(experience)和他過去執法表現紀錄( track record),正如同你在比賽中對球員上下對話一樣 ."


很可能Pollock並沒有真的長期休養(lay-off)受傷和手術(operations)尚未恢復.身體體能狀況百分之一百良好就不會摧毀裁判自信心和臨場表現嗎?( Not being 100% physically can damage a referee's confidence and performance).

Bray 接著又說: "Chris而言,目前最好的事,克服上個月夢靨.目前對我們和Chris的工作,把他找回來真正良好的空間(space)M和良好的型式(form),在剩餘的球季."



台長: 辛老師

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